Well, that's it. My tomatoes have contracted some kind of (probably) fatal disease, which gives them coppery gray/brown spots all over the leaves. And while the supports have held steady, the top of one plant has snapped off in the wind. As far as I can work out, the disease could be
'Gray Leaf Mould' - the result of
overwatering in really wet conditions. So much for the "I don't mind that its pouring with rain all weekend, it'll be good for my plants" theory. If there's a tomato doctor out there, please get in touch!

I'm leaving for Sunrise Festival in Somerset tomorrow so, if I don't have time to get some kind of cure for them in the morning, I expect they'll have wilted into compost by the time I get back. Not to be defeated, I still dutifully picked out the shoots which have appeared at the base of the stems, just in case they survive enough to flower and fruit. Its probably a move akin to
feng shui with
collapsible seats on a certain oversized boat though. Good job I've still got 7 plants left that I haven't yet given away!

Following advice from a comment on the
Observer Allotment blog, I have now raised my slug beer traps above ground level so that all the nice beetles who eat the nasty pests will be unable to continue their practice of kamakazie drunken swimming. Apparently, the slugs love it so much they're prepared to climb for it though, just like my lettuce. I've also made a new trap out of an old milk bottle with windows cut in the side and the lid on, which will hopefully keep the rain out. I filled them all up with some (oxymoron alert!) cheap Waitrose lager I got at the weekend. Apparently they do prefer a dark ale though, so will be getting them a four pack of that next time. I don't know, lap of luxury eh?
A final gruesome fact (or garden ledgend) for you is that apparently slugs are more attracted to beer if its got other dead slugs in it. Just goes to show how depraved the little bastads really are...