Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Lambs and Calves

Well, last week we found a pig, this week it was spring lambs frolicking in the fields and calves chewing the cud. Went on a lot of walks over Easter weekend, and spring has truly sprung with blossom, shoots, birds and bees all out en force - as well as quite a few deer.

I got home on Monday to find my Harbringer Tomato and Sprout seedlings growing away quite happily on the bathroom window sill. I borrowed some seed trays from Rosie's Mum and planted some more Harbringers along with lots of Gardener's Delight cherry tomatoes that I bought. They're now germinating next to the others.

Out in the garden, I did a bit of weeding and thinned out my
onion seedlings. It was quite heartbreaking having to throw some away! I also finalised spacing for everything, using stones and sticks to plan out where everything will go and when it will go in.

Then I sowed some Little gem, Loose leaf lettuce and rocket seeds before digging in some more manure into the areas where I will have my beans, sprouts and broccoli.

Meanwhile, the radishes, onions and spring onions are coming along nicely. The garlic I planted has broken through and now even the first parsnip shoots have appeared!

I’m off juggling this weekend so will leave them in Dad’s care and hopefully find everything still alive when I get back. He finally went out and bought a water butt the other day after much pestering from Mum and I.

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