Despite the weather forecast was a nice day to go down the plot. Took some pics to start with. The runner beans coming along well and the spinach and lettuce have really recovered since the rabbit proof fencing went up!
First job of the day was to weed around the spinach and beetroot. Then I decided to excavate my carrots before they went the way of my parsnips and got throttled by weeds. Took a long time of careful plucking to clear the patch but they look satisfyingly good now (see below).
Next major operation was to continue clearing weeds in order to extend my broccoli bird net. Separated out the rogue marigolds from the weeds and moved them into a spot by the fennel. They look stunning at the moment! I finally cleared enough space to move the posts and re-tie the netting.
Henry came down at lunchtime and dug out another patch of weeds and couch grass to plant out his courgettes. Then he went for a BBQ with Steph and I shot off for a party in Guildford.
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