I bought some Organic carrot seeds on the way back from Rosie's on Sunday afternoon. When I got home, I raked over the patch again to make a seed bed for them and watered it with some seaweed fertiliser solution. I'll probably start sowing them in a week or so. Once I'd finished raking, my little Robin friend flew down to eat some worms I'd dragged up. He's been down before, but this time he came really close. No fear.

After raking, I dug drills for my first two spuds which have been chitting in the shed. One had really long roots, but few shoots, the other, longish shoots, but few roots. It'll be interesting to see which sprouts quicker, although I'm not too sure which one was which now.
I then thinned out my radish shoots which survived the frost and have got a little bigger.

By the way, when I went for a walk with Rosie earlier in the day, we made friends with this huge pig!