Thursday, 27 March 2008


Was down the allotment with Henry today. We brought an old swing down from his garden to use as frame for runner beans or soft fruit netting. Also made a start on the shed. Cleared a space at the back of the plot, levelled it off and lay the floor boards down on 4x4s. Didn't get much further though as didn't have a battery powered drill with us.

Henry's not actually sawing in this picture - he's just posing for the blog! :)

Instead we started pulling up the carpet on the middle path and laying boards as edging. Makes the place look much neater.

I planted the first of my broad beans under cloches last week. No sign as yet though.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Plastic mini-greenhouse is down

So much for bricks in the bottom of the greenhouse. It was completely trashed by the gale force storm. Compost everywhere. Devastation. Should have waited a few more days before putting it up!

At least the tom's are all right in the bathroom...

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Plastic mini-greenhouse is up

I've erected the old plastic propagator greenhouse in the garden and put the first few trays of seeds in. Some Marigolds and Asters to attract wildlife down the plot, some coriander and basil, as well as some tomatoes and peppers which I put in the bathroom. There's bad weather forecast for the next few days so I put bricks in the bottom to hold everything down and shuffled the greenhouse into a sheltered